Vlogging Holland - TV crew film vloggers in Amsterdam
Today I was filmed vlogging in Amsterdam and later interviewed by a crew from Dutch RTL 4 television. Later Gabe and Gabe from Xolo were interviewed by the same crew about of vlogging and it’s progress in Holland. (unfortunately all in Dutch) They are going to run an item on Dutch national television coming Friday (if not then Monday). This is great exposure for vlogging and I am chuffed to have taken part. But it is above all a massive mothervlogging tribute to the toil of Freevlog, FireAnt, Steve Garfield, Gabe McIntyre (get ya bandwidth ready) and all the other inspirational front liners who have put so much effort into getting this great vlogging message across to so many people. Good on ya guys. Events like this confirm that we are getting somewhere – and makes it even more worthwhile.
wow, that's great stuff, good to see RTL4 pick up in NL where they left off in New York (Max W). Thanks for posting that, Ron. I just got back from vlogging..uhm vacation in San Francisco and this put a big smile on my face.
Goed bezig Ron!
Way the go Ron!
Still on the vlog here... But time is a big issue at the moment. Hope to put some new stuff on the web myself soon...
Spreek je vast snel weer eens!
Helaas krijg ik die filmpjes niet aan de praat.
Op onze site is overigens wat aandacht besteed aan de RTL4-uitzending.
Thanks for the shout out Gabe!
The graphic has my URL wrong, it's:
Sorry Steve, I had already seen it.
But dont't worry the correct URL
is amply linked and represented
elsewhere on my sites.
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